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Results for "keyword: "holiness""
Spirit Junkie Gabrielle Bernstein on welcoming a relationship as a holy assignment.
Amazing Chesed Rami Shapiro on God is what is: the source and substance of all reality.
How Did I Get to Be 70 When I'm 35 Inside? Linda Douty on everything containing elements of the Holy.
Saints As They Really Are Third in a series of books about holiness and people of faith who put their spirituality to work in the world.
Laugh Your Way to Grace A helpful and hopeful book on the importance of humor and laughter in the spiritual life.
The Big Book of Christian Mysticism A remarkable overview of the riches, wisdom, paradoxes, practices, and major figures in Christian mysticism.
Hidden Holiness Michael Plekton on reviving monasticism by liquidating the institution and living in the world always always being simple, light, and joyous.
Holy Simplicity Explores the importance of the little way in the lives of three saintly Catholic women.
Rejoice and Be Glad Lively and edifying thought of Pope Francis on holiness, saints, the Beatitudes, and being joyful.
God's Joyful Surprise A memoir about waking up to the presence of God's love.